Subramanian, Vijay


Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

4112 EECS

vgsubram @ | (734) 615-1915

Faculty Website

Subramanian is an Associate Professor in the EECS department at the University of Michigan.

    After graduating, he worked in the research arm of the Networks Business Sector of Motorola in Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA until May 2006. In May 2006, he returned to an academic setting. He started with a move to the Hamilton Institute of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth as a Research Fellow. In the summer of 2010, he was a visiting researcher at LIDS MIT. From November 2010 to October 2011, he was a Senior Research Associate in the EECS Department at Northwestern University. From November 2011 until August 2014, he was a Research Assistant Professor in the EECS Department at Northwestern University.

His main research interests are in stochastic modeling, communications, information theory and applied mathematics. A large portion of his past work has been on probabilistic analysis of communication networks, especially analysis of scheduling and routing algorithms. In the past, he has also done some work with applications in immunology and coding of stochastic processes. His current research interests are on game theoretic and economic modeling of socio-technological systems and networks, and the analysis of associated stochastic processes.