Freudenberg, James
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
4425 EECS
jfr @ umich.edu | (734) 763-0586
Prof. James Freudenberg has been on the faculty of the EECS Department since 1984. His research interests include fundamental design limitations in feedback and embedded control systems, robotics and computer vision, linear feedback control, and modeling and control of automotive powertrain Systems.
He leads the college’s Master’s Program in Automotive Engineering, an advanced professional degree program with focus on recent advances in automotive engineering. Prof. Freudenberg has been key in keeping ECE active in Michigan’s presence as an automotive engineering powerhouse.
Prof. Freudenberg received his Bachelor’s of Science degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 1978 and worked for a year at Rockwell/Collins Avionics where he designed Kalman filters for aircraft navigation. He then attended the University of Illinois where he received his M.S. and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering.